A Charming Blog
Monday, July 26, 2004
Ever try to do a post and it won't work....It's just driving me nuts!!! I'm trying to do a horizontal version of the buzznet link that is on the side bar. But blogger keeps trying to add a href to my tag when it doesn't need to grrrrrr

I give up....off to bed...I'll retry tomorrow night
Saturday, July 24, 2004
  Pictures from Hearst Castle
If you want to see a couple of the pictures I took while at Hearst Castle, go to my photoblog


hmmm i gotta figure out how to add things to the side bar (points to the right) like a link to my Photoblog with a picture of the most recent photo in my blog. ( just like I found on www.willwheaton.net )
  Castle in the Clouds
Wow, what a day, got up at 8 am this morning because we were having the carpets cleaned, so since I had to be out of the house for so long i decided to head down the coast to Heart Castle ( http://www.hearstcastle.org/ ) and took one of the tours they offer.

One of my co-workers told me to take PCH ( Hwy 1 = Pacific Coast Highway) because it offers a wonderful view. I agree the view was awesome!!!! Only thing is, it's a 93 mile drive, and took me just over THREE hours to drive it because of the nice and WINDING roads. Boy am I gonna give her an ear full!!!!

The tour that I took is of the two pools, one guest house, part of the gardens, the assembly room (like a living room), the rectory (dining room), the game room, and theatre (William Hearst showed 1st run movies there) and in all the tour took about an hour and forty-five min including the 'bus' ride from the visitor center up to the castle. I learnt a lot of things about Mr Hearst....If you want some of the tidbits, just let me know.

As I had posted a few days ago, I was thinking of going to Bubble Gum Alley in San Luis Obispo....But I thought it was between the Castle and my return route home road. But in actuality, it was 30 miles SOUTH of where I had to turn to head back home. So since it took me so long to get there this am, I decided to put off going to the Alley another time. I know some of you are relieved. I have to admit I am kinda relieved too, I mean, do I really I mean REALLY want to go look at a wall where everyone sticks their chewed up gum????

Well, I'm on the tired side now from all that driving and walking at the Castle (can't wait to go back and do the other 3 tours (2 more are more indoors and the last one is the garden tour - not sure I should honestly do that one as I'm allergic to bees lol)

Take care, talk to you soon
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
  BubbleGum Alley - San Luis Obispo
BubbleGum Alley - San Luis Obispo

Wow, a wall er alley of globs of gum.
hmmm trying to think of some kind of 'touristy' thing to do this weekend and found this. It is only about 90 miles from where I live and could make for an interesting afternoon...what do you think?
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
  My Picture
This is a Picture of me taken about 3 years ago. Basically look the same, except my hair is straight, the kitten ran away when he was about 18 months old, LOL he didn't like the dog we had.

Have you ever been driving and listening to the radio and hear a song that just sends you back in time? It was the song Bridge under Troubled Water by Simon and Gartfunkel (i think that is how it is spelt). All I heard was like the last 10 to 20 seconds of the song but in an instant I was back in 5th grade with my 'hippy' teacher Mr Hencil (yes it rhymed with pencil). Mr Hencil was not your 'normal' teacher to say the least. He let us work at our own pace and lets just say that with only 8 weeks of school left yours truly was only up to like page 20 in her math book...oh yeah that was fun, dad pushing me nightly to get the book done before we moved (see previous post about who i am). Needless to say, I did finish the book before we moved.
Monday, July 19, 2004
  Driving me Crazy
If you only knew how short a trip that was LOL

I have been working on my blog for what 3 days now and I don’t know if it’s just on my pc or everyone’s pc but when I load my page it show’s my wonderful *cough cough* picture as that lovely red X…

Those of you who read my blog, er I mean, Melly can you tell me if my picture shows up when you open my blog? thanks…

If not I have to try and figure out how to fix it show it will show up.

  It's Your Turn
It's Your Turn...

Huh? What's that you say? It's YOUR turn. It's a great website that allows you to play games online against others and you both don't have to be online at the same time.

You make your moves and then the website will email your opponent and let them knot's it's their turn and so on.
I have been playing on the site for about 3 years now and just love it. It doesn't matter if you have a PC, a Mac or WebTV (msntv) as it's html based and not java based.

Not only are their just regular games but there are tournaments and ladders....And many variations of your favorite games.

This site is free but you only get 25 free moves per day and a maximum of 20 games, but for a paid membership (cheapest is 3 months for $10.95) you get unlimited moved and up to 200 games.
  My Highway Sign…

Lady Molli Highway
Fame City58
Bewilderment Avenue159
Family Farm362
Please Drive Carefully

ghway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com
Sunday, July 18, 2004
  Who am i?

Now that is a very good question. Who is this person who is making a blog under the name of Lady Molli signing her posts as Molli?

Well to start out, my real name is Ruth Ann. I do not go by Ruth or Ruthie or anything else you can think of to make my name into. In real life I go by Ruth Ann and online I go by the name Molli. Molli is not my first online name, it is in fact the 2nd name I choose to use online. But I have been going by some version of Molli since 1996.

Now to back up further than 1996, we need to go to the beginning. I was born in 1969 and was raised in a military family. My father was in the Navy until I was 14. Basically we lived in Hawaii, California and Washington state from the time i was born until dad retired. When dad retired we moved to South Dakota. Now as a 14 yr old who finally figured we would be settling down and not moving anymore was I in for a shock. We not only kept moving, but at 35 now, I still keep moving LOL (opps getting ahead of myself again). When dad retired, as I stated we moved to South Dakota and lived in 3 different cities from the time i was 14 til i was 16 and at 16 we moved to Sunny Southern California, Palm Springs to be exact. Actually as a 16 yr old when someone asked me how I liked living in Palm Springs I was quick to respond that not only did I NOT live in Palm Springs, but I had yet to BE to the city of Palm Springs. We lived in a town called Palm Desert, which for all intense purposes is in the Palm Springs area. It's about 20 miles, or 30 minuntes to PS from PD. I went to high school in a town called Indio and finished 11th and all of 12th grade there.

During those 2 years I started working for JCPenney. If anyone had told me at 16 that I would work for JCP for 9 years I would have laughed in their face. The only thing is during those 9 years, I didn't work for 1 store, but 5 stores (see couldn't stop moving....Worked at stores in Palm Desert, CA ; Huntsville, AL; Florence, Al; back to Palm Desert, CA; Escondido, CA; and finally Aberdeen, SD.

When I was 24 I figured I was at a dead end job with JCP (Escondido store office) so I decided to go back to college. I went all the way back to Aberdeen, SD in the middle of Jan to go to college. Not only was I now alone (1500 miles from any family) but I was living in the Dorms with the 18 and 19 year olds. I spent the next 2.5 years finishing up my college degree. I made some great friends and still keep in touch with them today (7 years later).

After I got done with college I once again moved to Modesto, CA and lived there for about 2.5 years, then moved BACK to Palm Springs (see a trend here) and lived there for 5 years and 1 week. LOL. yeah, I know, how precise of me to know it was 5 years and 1 week huh lol. If you want to know about that just ask, I'll tell. Well anyways, when I moved back to PS I moved with my sister and niece. I worked at one of the 3 hospital's in the area for just over 3 years until my department's contract was given to a new company where the boss was ummm not a very good boss (basically I don't think he liked living in Cali as he was from Texas) so I changed jobs, worked again in retail but this time as a manager. And after about 18 months of that, I decided I just wanted to be a 'peon' again and not have to 'baby sit' others and make sure they do their job.

So I worked for the 'trash company' (prefer not to mention the name) in PD for about 18 months until my house in PS flooded and I found myself, my sister and niece needing to move somewhere else. Due to many reasons, we choose to move in with our parents. And now almost 2 years later I'm still living at home. I now live in Salinas (john steinbeck country) which is about 30 miles from Monterey and Santa Cruz. I do enjoy living here except it is so expensive I don't know how anyone can afford to pay for a car, insurance, rent, phone, electric etc. on their own. Wow, what a hand ful I've told you already and it's just basically the well, the basics. I am in need of heading to bed since 6:30 comes earlier and earlier every week it seems.

Good night, and I do hope I'm not boring you.

  Lazy Days
I had decided last night to not sleep the day away today like I did yesterday and what did I do? That's right, I slept in until 1 in the afternoon. Is it no wonder that I don't go anywhere on the weekends when all I do is sleep?

Well the day is not all lost, I just have a few errands to run and then that old fun chore of laundry. Luckily it is only me that I do laundry for, no kids, no spouse, just me. So it's only one week of dirty clothes.

I have been reading this really fun book called Destiny Unleashed ....It's by Sherryl Woods (yes there are 2 r's in the spelling of Sherryl's name). And I just love it, it's about a 50+ yr old woman who gave up the love of her life in her 30's to raise her 3 nephews when her brother and sister in law died in an accident who now in her 50's is finding herself being drawn back to the love of her life as he is 'attacking' her family business only because he is trying to get her attention and get her back into his life. .... So far, so good...it's a great read.

Well, I should get started on those errands so that I can come back here later and give you all the info about Me and how the name Molli came to be =)
  First of Many
Wow, finally have my own blog. I've been wanting to do one for sometime now but just never got it started. SO, here I am...ready or not world. LOL

I have become a faithful reader of my friend Melissa's blog over at
http://www.hunny-hive.com/ and she has truly been an inspiration to me. She has given me some direction on blogging but this is just the first step for me.

I'm sure i'm going to learn more and more as I go on, but for now this is a first step. I'm going to end this post here, I know it's short but it is almost 2:30 in the morning and I really should get to bed so I don't sleep the day away.

Take care, hope to hear from you all soon.
If I say it's Charming, then it has to be Charming, right? Right!! So come read along on my Charming blog.

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Location: Salinas, California
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