A Charming Blog
Sunday, July 18, 2004
  First of Many
Wow, finally have my own blog. I've been wanting to do one for sometime now but just never got it started. SO, here I am...ready or not world. LOL

I have become a faithful reader of my friend Melissa's blog over at
http://www.hunny-hive.com/ and she has truly been an inspiration to me. She has given me some direction on blogging but this is just the first step for me.

I'm sure i'm going to learn more and more as I go on, but for now this is a first step. I'm going to end this post here, I know it's short but it is almost 2:30 in the morning and I really should get to bed so I don't sleep the day away.

Take care, hope to hear from you all soon.
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If I say it's Charming, then it has to be Charming, right? Right!! So come read along on my Charming blog.

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