MemoriesHave you ever been driving and listening to the radio and hear a song that just sends you back in time? It was the song Bridge under Troubled Water by Simon and Gartfunkel (i think that is how it is spelt). All I heard was like the last 10 to 20 seconds of the song but in an instant I was back in 5th grade with my 'hippy' teacher Mr Hencil (yes it rhymed with pencil). Mr Hencil was not your 'normal' teacher to say the least. He let us work at our own pace and lets just say that with only 8 weeks of school left yours truly was only up to like page 20 in her math book...oh yeah that was fun, dad pushing me nightly to get the book done before we moved (see previous post about who i am). Needless to say, I did finish the book before we moved.
ΒΆ 1:08 PM