Now that is a very good question. Who is this person who is making a blog under the name of Lady Molli signing her posts as Molli?
Well to start out, my real name is Ruth Ann. I do not go by Ruth or Ruthie or anything else you can think of to make my name into. In real life I go by Ruth Ann and online I go by the name Molli. Molli is not my first online name, it is in fact the 2nd name I choose to use online. But I have been going by some version of Molli since 1996.
Now to back up further than 1996, we need to go to the beginning. I was born in 1969 and was raised in a military family. My father was in the Navy until I was 14. Basically we lived in Hawaii, California and Washington state from the time i was born until dad retired. When dad retired we moved to South Dakota. Now as a 14 yr old who finally figured we would be settling down and not moving anymore was I in for a shock. We not only kept moving, but at 35 now, I still keep moving LOL (opps getting ahead of myself again). When dad retired, as I stated we moved to South Dakota and lived in 3 different cities from the time i was 14 til i was 16 and at 16 we moved to Sunny Southern California, Palm Springs to be exact. Actually as a 16 yr old when someone asked me how I liked living in Palm Springs I was quick to respond that not only did I NOT live in Palm Springs, but I had yet to BE to the city of Palm Springs. We lived in a town called Palm Desert, which for all intense purposes is in the Palm Springs area. It's about 20 miles, or 30 minuntes to PS from PD. I went to high school in a town called Indio and finished 11th and all of 12th grade there.
During those 2 years I started working for JCPenney. If anyone had told me at 16 that I would work for JCP for 9 years I would have laughed in their face. The only thing is during those 9 years, I didn't work for 1 store, but 5 stores (see couldn't stop moving....Worked at stores in Palm Desert, CA ; Huntsville, AL; Florence, Al; back to Palm Desert, CA; Escondido, CA; and finally Aberdeen, SD.
When I was 24 I figured I was at a dead end job with JCP (Escondido store office) so I decided to go back to college. I went all the way back to Aberdeen, SD in the middle of Jan to go to college. Not only was I now alone (1500 miles from any family) but I was living in the Dorms with the 18 and 19 year olds. I spent the next 2.5 years finishing up my college degree. I made some great friends and still keep in touch with them today (7 years later).
After I got done with college I once again moved to Modesto, CA and lived there for about 2.5 years, then moved BACK to Palm Springs (see a trend here) and lived there for 5 years and 1 week. LOL. yeah, I know, how precise of me to know it was 5 years and 1 week huh lol. If you want to know about that just ask, I'll tell. Well anyways, when I moved back to PS I moved with my sister and niece. I worked at one of the 3 hospital's in the area for just over 3 years until my department's contract was given to a new company where the boss was ummm not a very good boss (basically I don't think he liked living in Cali as he was from Texas) so I changed jobs, worked again in retail but this time as a manager. And after about 18 months of that, I decided I just wanted to be a 'peon' again and not have to 'baby sit' others and make sure they do their job.
So I worked for the 'trash company' (prefer not to mention the name) in PD for about 18 months until my house in PS flooded and I found myself, my sister and niece needing to move somewhere else. Due to many reasons, we choose to move in with our parents. And now almost 2 years later I'm still living at home. I now live in Salinas (john steinbeck country) which is about 30 miles from Monterey and Santa Cruz. I do enjoy living here except it is so expensive I don't know how anyone can afford to pay for a car, insurance, rent, phone, electric etc. on their own. Wow, what a hand ful I've told you already and it's just basically the well, the basics. I am in need of heading to bed since 6:30 comes earlier and earlier every week it seems.
Good night, and I do hope I'm not boring you.