Castle in the CloudsWow, what a day, got up at 8 am this morning because we were having the carpets cleaned, so since I had to be out of the house for so long i decided to head down the coast to Heart Castle ( ) and took one of the tours they offer.
One of my co-workers told me to take PCH ( Hwy 1 = Pacific Coast Highway) because it offers a wonderful view. I agree the view was awesome!!!! Only thing is, it's a 93 mile drive, and took me just over THREE hours to drive it because of the nice and WINDING roads. Boy am I gonna give her an ear full!!!!
The tour that I took is of the two pools, one guest house, part of the gardens, the assembly room (like a living room), the rectory (dining room), the game room, and theatre (William Hearst showed 1st run movies there) and in all the tour took about an hour and forty-five min including the 'bus' ride from the visitor center up to the castle. I learnt a lot of things about Mr Hearst....If you want some of the tidbits, just let me know.
As I had posted a few days ago, I was thinking of going to Bubble Gum Alley in San Luis Obispo....But I thought it was between the Castle and my return route home road. But in actuality, it was 30 miles SOUTH of where I had to turn to head back home. So since it took me so long to get there this am, I decided to put off going to the Alley another time. I know some of you are relieved. I have to admit I am kinda relieved too, I mean, do I really I mean REALLY want to go look at a wall where everyone sticks their chewed up gum????
Well, I'm on the tired side now from all that driving and walking at the Castle (can't wait to go back and do the other 3 tours (2 more are more indoors and the last one is the garden tour - not sure I should honestly do that one as I'm allergic to bees lol)