A Charming Blog
Sunday, July 18, 2004
  Lazy Days
I had decided last night to not sleep the day away today like I did yesterday and what did I do? That's right, I slept in until 1 in the afternoon. Is it no wonder that I don't go anywhere on the weekends when all I do is sleep?

Well the day is not all lost, I just have a few errands to run and then that old fun chore of laundry. Luckily it is only me that I do laundry for, no kids, no spouse, just me. So it's only one week of dirty clothes.

I have been reading this really fun book called Destiny Unleashed ....It's by Sherryl Woods (yes there are 2 r's in the spelling of Sherryl's name). And I just love it, it's about a 50+ yr old woman who gave up the love of her life in her 30's to raise her 3 nephews when her brother and sister in law died in an accident who now in her 50's is finding herself being drawn back to the love of her life as he is 'attacking' her family business only because he is trying to get her attention and get her back into his life. .... So far, so good...it's a great read.

Well, I should get started on those errands so that I can come back here later and give you all the info about Me and how the name Molli came to be =)
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