A Charming Blog
Sunday, April 16, 2006
  Tomorrow's the day
Well, here we are, one day away....it's about 1 am on sunday and i've yet to go to bed .... so technically i have 2 wake up's to go....My surgery is scheduled for 10:30 am on monday, I have to be at the hospital at 8:00 but my dad will be dropping me off (he wasn't able to get time off to be with me, but it's okay) before he goes to work, he works at 6:30 so i'll be at the hospital around 5:30 am. It's all good though, cause what if the first surgery person chicken's out and I could have gone sooner? well I want to be there to be ready just in case.

Today, well i mean saturday, I went and got a pedicure and manicure, i know they will probably take the polish off my fingers but it was my way to do something stress free....and for dinner i went to my fave steak place, I LOVE steak and am gonna miss it until I can have it again.

I am currently on liquid only, but I am hoping I will do okay. Well I should end this and head to bed, i have to get up around 9 am so I can drive home (i'm visiting my sister for the weekend since she had to work and couldn't come see me before I had surgery.)

Here are my pre-op pix

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