A Charming Blog
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
  Think You Know Me?
001. Name: Ruth Ann
002. Your Nickname: Ruth Ann or RAD
003. Middle Name: Ann
004. Place of Birth: Hawaii
005. Zodiac Sign: Pisces
006. Male or Female: Female
007. Your last name: D is all i'll tell online
008. School: Indio High School/Northern State University
009. Birthday: 3/15/1969
010. Residence: Salinas, CA
011. Screen Name: Ladymolli/Rhiannon_tremaine

__Your Appearance___
012. Hair Color: brown
013. Long or Short: short
014. Eye Color: blue or green
015. How do your nails look: short
016. Height: 5’1
017. Do you have a crush on someone: yes
018. Do you like yourself: sometimes
019. Do you Smile: not really
020. Think your skinny: yeah right LOL in my little pinky
021. Piercing: ears only
022. Tattoo: not yet
023. Righty or Lefty: righty

___Your 'Firsts'___
024. First Kiss:
026. First best friend(s):
027. First award: Talent show when I was 12
028. First Sport You Joined: Karate
029. First pet: dog named Charlie it was a girl lol
030. First vacation: hmmm took a cruise when I turned 25
031. First Concert: beach boys

___ Favorites___
033. Movie: any of the Back to the Future movies
034. TV Show: Charmed
035. Color: Pink and purple
036. Band: Kenny Chesney
037. Song: Redneck woman
038. Food: mac and cheese (havne’t had it in almost a year)
039. Drink: Sugar free Kool-Aid
040. Candy: chocolate
041. Sport to Play: Tennis
043. Brand of Clothing: any that fit
046. Animal: dogs and cats
047. Books: romance novels
048. Magazines: cosmo

049. Eating: nothing
050. Drinking: nothing
051. Money in pocket: 1 dollar
052. Online: reading email
053. Listening to: soaps on tv
054. Thinking About: my new contacts that are blurry

055. Wanting to: have un blurry contacts lol
056. Watching: General Hospital on tv
057. Wearing: green top and pants

_Your Future_
058. Want Kids? Yes but almost 37 and don’t see it happening
059. Want to Get Married? yes
060. Careers in Mind: enjoy the job I have for the most part

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
067. Cute or Sexy: Cute
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Hugs or Kisses: BOTH
070. Short or Tall: Tall
071. Easygoing or serious: Easygoing but serious when needed
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: yes
073. Muscular or Skinny: muscular but not heman style
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
076. Sweet or Caring: Both
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: both? lol

___Have You Ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: yes
079. Drank Bubbles: no
080. Lost glasses/contacts: yes
081. Ran Away From Home: no
082. Broken a Bone: no
083. Got an X-ray: yes
084. Broken Someone's Heart: I doubt it
086. Cried When Someone Died: yes
088. Cried at School: yes

___Do You Believe In___
089. God: yes
090. Miracles: yes
091. Love at First Sight: yes
092. Ghosts: yes
093. Aliens: no
095. Heaven: yes
096. Hell: yes
098. Kissing on the - hmmm think part of this one is missing
099. Horoscopes: no but they are fun to read

___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want? Yup and he knows it
So are you going to keep blogging here too?
i think so for now....i'll just double post lol
okie dokie pokie! :D nothing wrong with that at all. i'm happy if you just post once in awhile, don't expect you to post every day! (((HUGS)))
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