A Charming Blog
Monday, January 09, 2006
Saw Gallagher last night and it was an awesome show, for those of you who don't know who Gallagher is go to his website, www.gallaghersmash.com . I was not sitting in the smash zone, but he was so wonderful as to have thought of those of us who wanted to stay dry and clean to bring WATER balloons and proceeded to toss them up into the higher up area's and get select people nice and wet, and as you can imagine, I was one of the lucky ones. I was soaked from head to toe for the entire show. But it was worth it.

As for my Flu, I am almost all over it, just have one more dose of Tamiflu to take, miracle drug Tamiflu is. All I have left is the annoying cough and some traces of the runny nose, but otherwise I'm back to good health.
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