A Charming Blog
Saturday, November 26, 2005
  Could it be true???
A laptop for a mere $199.99.....YES it was true...Circuit City had them in thier Black Friday ads and who do you think is crazy enough to camp out for over 10 hours to get one????!!!! If you guess'ed me, you'd be right!!

How can you pass up a toshiba satellite laptop with 512 ram and 60gb hd, with wireless installed...that's right installed, no need to carry a wireless card, it's built in baby.

Well I love my new laptop...the only thing i need is the laptop mouse and number pad and i'll be set. You never realize how much you use the number pad until it's gone.

Well I'll chat with you all later...
Wow! I couldn't see your page before. It was blocked at work for a long time. :)
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