A Charming Blog
Monday, September 05, 2005
  Where I have been
As anyone who reads my blog knows, I've been MIA for a couple months. Basically it started in March when I decided to start looking into having Gastric-bypass surgery (wls). I started a blog/journal at www.obesityhelp.com (OH)but have decided to move all those messaged over to here. I will reference this blog on that page, but any posts that I put there, will be copied here as well. but not vice versa.

I know many people have different feelings on wls but this is what I feel is best for me, and I have researched this and weighed all the pro's and con's of doing this.

I value everyone's opinion, that just doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

To see my journey, please read back some of the messages from March thru current (each post will be dated according to when it was entered on the OH website.
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