A Charming Blog
Saturday, June 25, 2005
  WLS 6
Well today is 1 month since I had my consult, and as of this am I am down 10 lbs. Only need 16 more before surgery.WOOHOO. One of my co-workers is going to have surgery with Dr Frye in Fresno (I'm using Dr Vierra in Monterey) and she and I are going to start walking at lunch every day ( well starting the 5th - I'm off the 1st and we don't have the same lunch time right now) so that we will both be ready for our surgeries.

I'm doing pretty well since I had the three teeth pulled last week, finally no more pain.

I was in Modesto this weekend visiting my sister and went and saw a few OH buddies from the CA board at a picnic. It's always nice to get tips from the post ops.

Well it's 11 pm so I should head to bed, have to get up in 7 hours for work, gotta love monday's
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