WLS 5Well today I saw the nutrionist, she seems pleased with most of my food choices, but I need to lower my fat intake. she gave me some good idea's on how to do this, such as instead of using salad dressing, I should use vinegar.
I used to NOT be a dressing user, but about 3 years ago tried a ceasar salad and LOVED IT!!! so that's what i use now.
Another option she said was to put the dressing on the side and dip the fork in it (learned that at WW but wasn't doing it)
Also as part of my daily breakfast I have been having a hard boiled egg with a small amount of mayo (low fat) and a stick of string cheese, and she indicated I should cut the cheese back to every other day.
I feel the visit went well and am sure she is going to give me the go-ahead to have surgery.
As far as my weight loss, on the 25th of May (consult) i weighed in at 265 and today (just over 3 weeks later) i weighed in at 257 WOOHOO that's 8 lbs in 3 weeks, i have just under 4 weeks until I see the surgeon again, hoping to be down another 8 lbs by then so that I will only have to loose 10 more to have surgery!!!
Well, I had 3 teeth pulled today so I need to get off here and go rest some (no pain-vicodin works wonders don't it!!!)
ΒΆ 4:41 PM