WLS 1Well here is my first post, I got the call from my PCP's office yesterday that they had faxed over my referral to Dr. Vierra's office and I should hear from Dr Vierra's office within the next day or two. Well today I got that call.
So now I have to go to the Lecture that Dr. V requires potential patients to go to prior to having their first appointment with him. The next Lecture is on 4-20-05 so I will going to that with my mom and hopfully I can get my dad to go to so they will both know what is instore for me if I get approved by Dr. V.
I have been trying to loose weight on and off since 1993...in March of 1993 a coworker of mine came up to me and said, I hope I don't offend you, but so-and-so and I go to WW and I thought maybe you'd like to go with us. So I went, and my high at that time was 208, in 4 months I was able to lose right around 20 lbs. I was able to mantain that for just over a year...including moving 1500 miles from my family to go off to college. During the summer of 1994 I got an infection and the doctor put me on prednezone and with in 5 days I was back over 200 lbs. I was never able to get that weight off and stayed steady at right around 225 from 1994 until I got pneounia in 1998. At that time I lost 10 to 15 lbs but as soon as my apitite came back you know what happened....yup, those 10 to 15 lbs came back. but I was very steady at 225. In july of 2000 I started working at a job where I was a manager of a small retail store and I was working 43 hours a week over 6 days. I worked 5 days 5.5 hours and 1 day of 11 hours. On those days that I worked 5.5 hours I didn't eat lunch, I would go in at 9 am, work until 3:30 and then go home, and an hour or so later it was time for dinner. So during that time i was able to get my weight down to 205. But shortly after 9/11/01 I changed jobs to the one I currently have .... yup, sit on my tush all day and talk on the phone -- yeah i know a dream job if it wasn't for the customers calling and cussing us out for something the field people were doing -- but my weight went up up up up and then stabled at 245-250 for about a year. Then two years ago my mom had a stroke and I knew I had to do something to make sure 'that wasn't gonna happen to me' and I started the South Beach Diet in August of 2003. At that time I was at 249 and I was able to get my weight down to about 217 by Novemeber. But then I started eating carbs again and well, by now you see the pattern, up up up went the weight and now i'm at 264 as of my PCP's scale on 3-28-05.
I had to go see her for a spot of cellulitus. I have been getting these 'infections' since 1993 before I went off to college. The first time was such a scare for me as my first thought when i felt the 'lump' was breast cancer, but it turned out just to be a pimple that had turned and gotten infected, onto normal antibiotics for a week and it was gone, over the last 11 years I tended to average 1 to 2 times a year of the cellulitus. But this past Feb I started to do Enbrel shots 2x a week due to psorisas (which started when i was 18) and mid march I got three different spots of cellulits (the enbrel makes your immune system shot - you can get infections very easily) and I did 1 week of antibiotics then was off them for about 4 days and got a NEW and BIGGER spot of cellulitus on my leg that was HUGH so I went to the doc on the 28th of march and got that 'drain'ed and am currently on antibiotics for that and then go back and see her on the 13th. ...my spots have all but cleared up so all is well on the front but losing the weight will help the psorisas not be so bad and the cellulitus as well.
Well, this is a lot more than I intended to write at this time but I have enjoy'ed reading everyone else's boards and hope to keep mine updated quite often.
ΒΆ 4:17 PM