SlackerI know I'm a slaker people, but ummmm what can I say......there's not much going on in my life, i mean do you really want to hear about how i do enbrel shots 2x a week so that you won't see my psriosis, or that i had to go help my sister pick out a new pc (and now i have to take it back to have the sound card looked at), or do you want to hear that i got my nails filled and this time i got pretty heart sparkles (glitter and hearts) that are INSIDE the acrylic not just some nail paint.
I will tell you that Melly is so great....she sent me a gift certficate for and i bought a cargo net for my may not seem like a 'birthday' type of item but i've had my truck for right around 18 months and i have only bought little things for it such as air freshners and a few bumper stickers that are actually in the from the radio station and 2 from my college ... I have another to put on the window too but need to wash the truck first....the new one is from my vacation and it says TCB and has a lighting bolt on it.......i challenage anyone to tell me what it means....if you do i'll send you a coaster (drink coaster) with the logo on it.
is this okay for a post *bats eyes at Melly and Rodney*
ΒΆ 10:58 AM