Mid-VacationJust wanted to post a mid-vacation update….things have been going great. tonight went to my first ever hockey game….hockey you say? aren’t they on lockout??? well the nhl is, but not the minors…. the local team lost tonight but it was still a fun eventing….. today is the first day in about 4 that is was above 30 outside, it had been bone chilly here….first day here it was in the 40’s mid to upper and very little wind, so we did some lawn work…yes that’s right, i’m on vacation 2000 miles from home, and i did lawn work!!! it was nice being able to help someone with something they have been dreading doing…..because it was a daunting task…basically we trimmed 6 to 10 bushes in front of the house that were blocking the window’s….and now, there are just the main parts of the bushes, no leaves left at all…. We did some site seeing, went to a fire muesum, and a police muesum, even went to see the house that the founder of Piggly Wiggly started to build but never lived in…..for those of you who don’t know what a Piggly Wiggly is, it is the FIRST ‘modern’ style grocery store. Before the Piggly Wiggly, you would go to the general store and tell a clerk what you needed and they would get it for you. …. Well, we are getting ready to leave where the computers are, so I’m going to ahead and end this mid-vacation updated. Take care and I’ll be sure to post more when I get home next week sometime.
¶ 10:03 PM