Christmas 7My Mom was born and raised in our nation's 50'th State - Hawaii. Until she married my dad she had only left the Islands once in her life and that was to go to a choir thingy ( I think it was Choir, I'm sure my sis will correct me if I'm wrong ). Now I KNOW your dying to find out what this has to do with Christmas...I'm getting to that....*G*
I was going to say WE all know, but how can I know for sure what YOU my reader actually does or does not
As a lot of people know sugar comes from many places, one of them is Hawaii - Infact if I'm not mistaken, C & H Surgar is from Hawaii (trying to remember the tv commercials from when we lived there last - 20+ years ago)
And up until I was probably 10-12 we would wake up Christmas morning and we would find a Sugar Cane in our stocking no matter where we lived.... Mom always had her brother or another relative pick us out some sugarcane and mail it to us...that was always the best thing about christmas morning...the Sugar Canes!!!!!
Man, now I have to do a web search and see if I can find some to order for delivery prior to christmas!!!