Christmas 3I realize I'm cutting it close with day 3's post LOL 6 til midnight, yea that's close
I have been reading these books from Harlequin's new series called Code Red, and the book I just finished was called Blown Away....This book is based right before Christmas and it goes on and on about how Christmas tree's are magical because of the 'special things' we put on them year after year.....such as the tree topper - how did you get yours and what stories could it tell....or those old childhood my case those are the ones that look like pastel candies such as candy canes, and fruit slices (oranges, limes, and lemons) and they look like they have sugar crystals on them....
what kind of childhood ornaments do you still put on your trees or your parents tree? Blogging Milestone - this is post 100!!!!
ΒΆ 11:54 PM