Christmas 2Yesterday I went to see the Doctor for my normal yearly check up and we got on the topic of Christmas Trees. She stated " I did something radical this year, I went to Target and bought a fake tree" The nurse, the Doctor and I all got a chuckle out of this. The nurse said, my husband said he'd divorce me if I bought a fake tree....The Doctor stated that she grew up in Michigan and that she has felt that the tree's here in California are of a poor quality, dried out, not very full....I have to agree, although it depends on when you get your tree.
But this brought up the whole issue of Real vs Fake Trees.....I grew up always having fake tree's and later in life had a few live trees. But the last few years I haven't even had a tree. Haven't really been in the Holiday Spirit due to not being able to even buy presents...LOL but I also found out last year that i am allergic to 'pine' type trees so when I do start putting tree's up again, I will be doing the fake tree thing.
ΒΆ 10:18 PM