Christmas 19I was driving down the road yesterday I remembered a Christmas from when my niece was about 3 years old. We were living in San Diego, CA and had just taken Holly to see the ‘Candy Cane lane’ near where we lived. As we were heading home wesaw a young man standing at a payphone ( I know most people don’t REMEMBER payphones anymore but I degress….) and I had to pull over and roll down my window and told him “Santa, we are on our way home to put Holly to bed, she has been waiting all year for you to come” this young man, smiled at Holly and told her he was proud that she had been so good this year and that she needed to get right to bed so that he could bring her the toys he had for her, he then did that standard Ho Ho Ho that all Santa’s do and as he turned away, I told him Thank You and he nodded and went back to his phone call. We laughed about it the whole way home but would you believe Holly went right off to bed, cause she KNEW that Santa had lots of kids to deliver toys to.
¶ 1:36 PM