A Charming Blog
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
  Christmas 14
If you have a Christmas tree, what kind of lights do you prefer--multi-color, white, all one color? Do you like blinking, steady on or those chasing lights that do tricks?

I like Multi color lights myself that you can change from blinking, steady or chasing depending on my mood that night. At home this year we don't have any decorations up (read sis's blog for info on the Neice) but at work today we did the tree (I'm on the Holiday Commettee) and the lights on the tree are steady but the star on top is a blinking star. ... I'll take a picture and post here in a few days.
Hi there Molli, I have been looking at Christmas Cards for some time now and found your post titled this post very useful. I've now got to find something on Christmas Cards so I'll pop back and check out more of your site another time. Great site by the way
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