Pro FreedomThe other day I was driving down the freeway and saw a SUV with the words- Pro Life, Pro Freedom Pro Bush - on the back window. Now not to get all political on anyone, I just had a question for that driver (not that they will see my blog), but my question is…
How is Bush pro freedom when service men are not being allowed to leave the service after they have fulfulled thier contract with the military??? Tell that soldier who put in his 8 years of service, sent his request to be released from the military only to recieve a letter stating he was being shipped off to Iraq??? and the only way he was able to NOT go was to take the military to court?? where is that guy’s FREEDOM??? what about all the guys who were sent over to fight this war and told they were only going to be there for 1 year and are now being told they are staying for atleast another 2 months?
I support our troops who are doing a job that I know I wouldn’t want to do. I support them and hope that the rest of them come home to be with their families and that they have an easy time re-adjusting to being back home after having to endure whatever evils they have seen.
¶ 5:33 PM