I LOVE Jason Love.....he is an awesome cartoonist who I found online YEARS ago thru the now defunt Joke of the Day email list I was on. Jason was listed one day as a link in the JoD emails and ever since i've been reading the Snapshot cartoons...I get them in (as Jason now titles the email's) Dailyish emails. At one point I even saw him in my local newspaper thru a cartoon sindication that showcases various cartooonist....I had to run home and email Jason that I'd seen him in the newspaper, that was WAY cool....A few months agi I found him at a website that allows you to rate various cartoons...This one made me laugh out loud, I have to say I'm the top picture...where do YOU fall in...

the link to the website that this picture was posted on can be found on my sidebar listed as Snapshots. I just hope you learn to love Jason as I did.