A Charming Blog
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
  The thing is...
I was over reading on my fave blog...errrrrr...I mean I was over reading my 2ND fave blog...heheheh...melly you KNOW your number 1 in my book!!!! *G*.....and I was looking at the comments that had been made about a particular post (not important what it was) and someone commented about another post on a different website. This is their post:
"The sad thing is that someone actually believed the post was genuine...like it would really come from a hotmail address.?"

My problem with this statement is that the person was implying that 'real people' or celebrities don't use hotmail ...I'm like HUH WHAT???!!!

Last time I checked hotmail was free and ANYONE could sign up for what ever handle they wanted...there are no regulations there that says if you've ever been on tv or the movies then you can't have a free acct, you have to go pay for an acct and use only that email address.


grrrr when I saw that post it made me feel like if you were someone known then you couldn't have a hotmail email acct....i had that feeling like when someone runs their fingers down a chalk board....made me CRINGE...

okay...done with my rant....back to your normal ramblin....
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