Four YearsDon’t you think that after FOUR years of someone living with someone they wouldn’t feel the URGE to call the ex-girlfriend and try and play like you called them??????!!!! GRRRRRR
I got so pissed off last night when my phone rang, thinking it was my ex-bf, i answered the phone all happy until I realized it wasn’t him…it was the woman he’s been living with since we broke up!!
This woman thinks I care!!! She loves to log online and message me and tell me how happy they are how this they are how that they are….doesn’t she realize I DON’T CARE!!!!! doesn’t she realize she can have him? He’s a liar and I know it. doesn’t she realize that there are three THOUSAND miles between them and me? as IF i’m some sort of threat to HER happiness????!!!!
I’m so glad I know how to hang up LOL…bet he loved that one. he told ME to hold on? EXCUSE ME???? you and the little woman want to try and play games and you want ME to hold on? I don’t think so!!!!
There is a reason a person is an EX!!!! There is a reason I have not seen said EX in over … yes that is OVER… four years…..Heck, it’s been 4 years since you LEFT this state….