First Job: Usher at "Corn Palace Week" concerts in Mitchell, SD, I was in 9th grade. First Screen name: Cheri, no not the fruit, the French version, Cheri lasted less than a month, changed to Molli and have used some form of Molli since. First Funeral: None, I am 35 years old and have never been to a funeral, Each time a family member has passed away I was either too young, or too far away to take time off to go. First Pet: Dog named Charli, she was a Christmas present and that is what I choose to name her. *G* First Piercing: Ears when I was in 6th grade living in Hawaii, I had to BEG for 3 years to get them done. First Tattoo: Still too chicken to get one, want one but too chicken. First Credit Card: JCPenney, when I turned 18 and got my checking acct. I worked for JCP so I figured I should have their credit card too. First Kiss: hmmm 3rd grade. First Enemy: no clue
Last Car Ride: With Alma from work to go have lunch. Last Kiss: Rodney S Last movie watched: Mr. 3000 Last Beverage Drank: Diet Coke Last food consumed: Pizza from Round Table Last phone call: hmmm not fair, I talk on the phone for a living. So I will go with my personal phone, the last call I had was from my Mom Last time Showered: This morning Last CD Played: Kenny Chesney When the sun goes down. Last Website visited: Pretty Purple Princess (where I stole this from)
Single or Taken: Single but hope to be taken soon *G* Gender: Female Birthday: March 15 Sign: Pisces Siblings: Michelle Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue or Green depending on mood and clothes being worn. Shoe Size: 7.5 to 8 depending on shoe maker Height: 5 ft 1 inch Wearing: Tee shirt and Slacks Drinking: 7-Up Plus Thinking About: Going home, how great my new blog skin is (thank Lisa) and my upcoming vacation Listening to: Nothing, at work just hearing other co-workers on calls while I wait for my next call.
ΒΆ 4:14 PM