A Charming Blog
Friday, September 24, 2004
Today is Friday and work is pretty slow, so I that while I'm just sitting here waiting for the next call I'd just make a ramble on my blog.

There is nothing I like doing better at night than just searching for different websites. Like the message I posted with the copy of a 'check' with my picture on it. I was looking at the coupon's in last weeks Sunday paper (9/12) and tore out the page for the check website and while I was browsing all the different checks they offer I found the one where you can upload your own picture. Talk about cool!!! Just think, you put your own picture in the check, then when you go to buy things and they ask for a picture ID you just point to the check and say, Ummmm don't you think THAT looks like ME??? Hmmmm then raise your eyebrows at them Hehehehehe.

Have you ever looked at your initials? Like my name is Ruth Ann D and my initial are RAD, my sister who has no middle name is MD (when she got married, she was MM) and my niece is HAD, my mom and dad are both JAD. I have a cousin who is MAD. If I had married one of my ex-bf's I'd be RAA, or even RAF, I just don't think I could marry a man whose last name began with a G cause then I'd be, yeah, I know, RAG. What kind of words does your initials make? Or did you even think of that when you named your kids?

Hmmm what to make the next ramble ...

Baseball!!! Now I'm not some diehard fan that cannot live without seeing her team (the San Diego Padre's) on tv. But I have been enjoying the small rivalry between myself and a couple co-workers, we have C who just loves his Giants, and then we have R who would just about kill for his Dodgers. The best thing is that all three of us are passionate about our teams, but we can still have fun picking on each other about said teams... this also go for our football teams (me with the Charges, C with the Niner's and R with his Raiders) Now anyone who knows me, knows that I can't stand to watch sports on tv, but put me at a live game any time and I'm so into it. But lately with the wild card race going on, I'm so into seeing my Padre's...it doesn't matter who the player is, he's a Padre and that's all that matter...I know I'm gonna get some heat about that one...lol I can only tell you a few names of Padre's anyways...that being the more well known ones such as Kelsko, Nevin, and Trammel (I only know Trammel because one of my ex-bosses last name was Trammel LOL).

Football...now I briefly about mentions my Charges, the only player name that I even know is Jr Seau and he jumped ship last year and went to Florida (I think - I follow football less than I follow baseball). One that I have to say about Jr is that he opened some restaurants in San Diego (maybe other places also) and their food is just TO DIE FOR!!!! I had a chicken and steak teriyaki plate and the meat was so tender and the taste was great, it was like it just melted in your mouth...mmmm now I'm making myself hungry LOL. I highly recommend trying some food at a Seau's Restaurant if you have one in your area.

Well, I think I'm a little rambled out for now...I'm sure I'll come up with more to talk about later.

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