A Charming Blog
Saturday, September 11, 2004
  Star Struck
I hate to say that at 35 years old I still get star struck as if i was a 15 yr old in high school.

I was reading comments on one of my fave blogs this evening/morning and happed to see this as that signature line....

Posted by Keith Coogan at September 10, 2004 11:35 AM

Even if it wasn't the ACTOR Keith Coogan and just someone using his name to post with I still got a charge out of it.

LOL, Makes me remember the day I was at work and got a call from a customer who indicated his name was M. W. (he said his name, but I won't revele that), and I had to blurt out 'Are you the Tennis Player MW????" I have to admit that even thought I was talking to this genteman on the phone it still blew me away when he said "Yes, I am" I then had to go one and gush about how I used to love to go see him play in LA and in Indian Wells (near Palm Springs) and how I loved to root for him.

After I hung up, I felt so embarrassed for going on like some star struck kid....LOL

So anyways, if it was Keith Coogan who posted on the other blog yesterday, How awesome Dude.....still love seeing the movie Toy Soldiers when ever it's on TV.
Now that I'm done being the 15 yr old Star Struck geek that I am, I'm off to bed.


As it turned out it WAS Keith Coogan who posted on the other site, and He even posted a comment regarding this message when it was on my other blog that I am no longer maintaining ---moved everything to here--and Keith also was kind enough to send my neice an autograph picture.

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