RamblinWell now that I finally have the email posting taken care of I might be able to do more ramblin....I just love being able to post when i want and where I want.
I look around at other blogs and a lot of them seem to be 'about' something. I just have nothing to really tell you, just normal boring info about my life or things that just pop into my head. I have to admit that my fave blog to read is by Wil Wheaton. For those non-trekkies out there, Wil Wheaton was on Star Trek:TNG as the teenage Wesley Crusher. Now to say that i've always been a die hard fan of his would be an out right lie, I was a fan of his when I watched TNG and then the few movies of his that I have seen I have always enjoyed. But reading his blog about his family and the joy he takes from watching his kids grow up is great. I also like to see what he's up to such as right now he is promoting two books that he has written, I have yet to purchase one but if they are anything like his blog, it should be pretty good reading.
I have to admit that i admired http://hunny-hive.com/ website, but it wasn't until i saw the photo blog that Wil Wheaton had that i even thought about getting my own blog of any type.
Okay, well I've rambled enough for now, and yes tonight or tomorrow I will post pictures of the game and the score *G*
*opps* sent my email to the wrong address heheheh...
ΒΆ 7:51 AM