A Charming Blog
Monday, September 06, 2004
  Navy Brats...
If you have never lived in a Military home you have no idea what is it like to make friends, only to loose them when your parent gets transfered somewhere else. Until I was 14 my dad was in the Navy and we lived in California (southern), Washington State and Hawaii. But we were never in on place more than 2 or 3 years.

Now this isn't always a bad thing, because you have a chance at a new start at a new school, no one knows the 'bad' things about you but then, they don't know the good things about you either. And loosing those friends from the old location is hard. Even when you try to keep in touch things happen and you just loose touch.

And now 20 years later through a small miracle called Classmates I have been 'tracked' down by a friend I had not heard from in over 20 years since she and I were both 15 (we kept in touch via letters for a short time after I moved). How exciting to say that I knew this person when they were 14 and they are technically my OLDEST friend!!!

Now that I now she only lives 3 hours from me or 90 miles from my sister, whose to say when we may see each other in person again. I am so excited and can't believe that I found (well I found her a year ago, but she finally found me *Grins*)

Isn't the internet the BOMB!!!!!
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