A Charming Blog
Sunday, September 19, 2004
  Mr 3000
I LOVE going to movies...doesn't matter if I have someone to go with or if I just go alone.

Tonight I went and saw the movie Mr 3000 and I have to say that i feel it will follow in the lines of Major League...a truly great film that is going to be played over and over and over on those cable networks such as usa and tnt. I have to admit i've never really seen Bernie Mac in anything but loved him in this. Sorry, I won't give away anything from the movie...okay, I lied....Only thing I will say, is if you see it, you HAVE to watch for the butt crack LOL and when you see it, you'll know.

Last night I went and played Bingo, and GRRRR it drives me nuts that I've been going to the same place for over a year now, and I have NEVER won.....one time I was so close, the number on the tv was my number and people got bingo on the number before.....what can I say, i'm a glutton for punishment LOL

Tomorrow I'm going to be going and playing Bunko at a church who is raising money for a trip next summer to the Vatican (this is for their choir who is having an audience with the Pope and will be performing for him). Now I'm not Catholic but I do try to support as many 'fund raisers' as I can, and this is one of the cheaper ones I can find (only $10.00) and I have the potential to go home with a prize *g* .... Told dad knowing my luck I'd win the Weed Eater and we live in an apartment LOL

Well, it's midnight, suppose it's time for bed...ttfn
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