A Charming Blog
Monday, September 13, 2004
I am so fumming.....I used to be a member of the South Beach online website, but yesterday decided to resign up...try to get myself back on track etc...so they charges my debit cart the monthly charge of $6.95 then tonight I look at my bank stuff online, and it's now showing a charge of $45.05..WTF!!!! it looks to me like they are back billing me for the 6 and a half months I DID not have service with them...GRRRRR...I sent them an email stating if this is what they are doing, then to just credit me back my money and cancel my acct all togehter... I mean, how can they charge for something they didn't provide!!!! GRRRRR

I'll update you all when I hear from them....


I called them this am, and they tried to explain it to me and stated that it was a credit and not a charge, we'll see what happens with my checking acct balance...didn't make sense to me but then when i try to explain billing to my customer it doens't make sense either....lol basically what they said is that i got an email the other day regarding rejoining for $4 and that was a charge for weekly membership, but when they charged my card the other night they charged me for 6.95 (monthly rate) and that due to the $4.00 email they have a computer glitch that was supposed to charge me 52.00 and then credit 45.05 which is 6.95, but i was only charged 6.95 and then the credit of 45.05...you confused yet? LOL anyways, we'll see what happens in the long run.

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