A Charming Blog
Sunday, September 12, 2004
I love playing games on line...as you can see from my weblinks on the side bar I have quite a few game site links.

My fave is It's your turn.com as I've mentioned in a previous posting. I love that I don't have to be on at the same time as the person i'm playing against and you can leave them messages also. So it's all good.

But I have to say that I also love Free Bingo.net . Here at Free Bingo.net it is free to play (hence the name) and you can win money. Now so far my acct has like $2.00 (woohoo) in it, but once it hits $15.00 you can request they send you a check. Every month or 2 months they change the contest and the top winners also get money (it varies per 'contest').

One of my soon to be new fave's, that is not on my side bar yet, is a link I found on Free Bingo and this one is called Bingo Tourney.com . This site does it all for you, all you do is set the 'prebuy' setting (this site is free and on the 1st of every month you get 5000 points) to how many cards you want and for how many games and for what "dollar" amount (I set mine at $1.00) and the site does everything for you, it daubs your cards and calls bingo when you get it....as the end of each month, the top people (5 I think) get money. Sounds cool to me

Well it's that time...time for me to head to bed....
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