A Charming Blog
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Well, Bunko was fun, as normal, I didn't win anything today. But the time out of the house and interacting with others is what the whole afternoon was about. If you don't know what bunko is go here. Now depending on where you live, some people spell it Bunko and some spell it Bunco, same game different letter is all. Also, every group has their own rules. In my monthly group we go to a top score at the 'head' table of 21, at the church fundraiser, the 'head' table goes to 23.

Bunko is a game that has been around for ... well....forever. From what I have read online, they even played bunko back in the 1800's this is from WorldBunko.com.

Well, it's the witching hour....you know, Midnight...ttfn
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