A Charming Blog
Thursday, September 16, 2004
  Bad Blogger
What a bad blogger I have been, I forgot to post for 2 days....I thought itwas only 1 day but just realized it was actually 2 days, Please forgive me

Work has been somewhat disheartening lately, don't get me wrong, i love my job, but sometimes things get crazy with new changes and 10 different people interpreting the changes differently. Makes things very hectic. Too many changes, too many things going on with a boss that is only here 3 days a week and when she is here she's too busy worrying about her other offices to handle things for our office...almost 4 months since she took over and nothing has changed except dissatisfaction in what we do.

Sorry to be such a downer, just feeling down in the dumps this week. Trying to keep my spirits up knowing that my vacation is coming up in 70 days, hoping the flights you want don't fill up on ya....but knowing that the vacation is going to be well worth the trip.

*grins* hmmmm maybe on my vacation I can drag them off to Graceland again ... hehehe .... nawwww...just teasing, been there done that .....as they said last time I was there....

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