A Charming Blog
Sunday, August 08, 2004
  Long time no see
Wow time files when your having fun....Oh wait....Fun...Nope just lost track of time.

Well since the last time I posted, I won an auction on eBay for tickets to see the Cubbies play the Giants yesterday. Got two nose bleed tickets for a total of $23.00 (see the photo blog link on the sidebar for pictures). The game was great...The Cubbies won, meaning the Giant's didn't get ahead of my Padre's in the standings yet woohoo

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a HUGH baseball fan, but i gotta stick up for my Padre's!!!

Took a co-worker with me and this was her first game, unlike the little girl in front of us (see her feet in the picture of the tee shirt in the photo blog) who is only 3 and has been to 78 games already!!!
Beyond that, not much has happened lately....Well sister won tickets for 4 of us to go see the Chargers play the Niner's on Sept 2 (preseason game) so that is cool, don't worry, I'll post all about that and other things between now and then =)

For now I'm going to end this post. Take Care....
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