A Charming Blog
Wow what a long time I've been away....over 3 years....I had forgotten about my blogger page...but here it is...still up and running...well now that I know it's here I'll be back more often...
Woman to Woman Encouragement
Someone will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger. They will
drive a better car. Their children will do better in school. And their
partners will fix more things around the house. So let it go and love you
and your circumstances. Think about it. The prettiest woman in the world
can have hell in her heart. And the most highly favored woman on your job
may be unable to have children. The richest woman you know - she's got
the car, the house, the clothes - might be heartbreakingly lonely.
So, love you. Love who you are right now. Tell yourself, "I am too blessed
to be stressed." Be blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another
woman. "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just
might be the world."
Send this to wonderful strong women you know. I did. Possibilities and
miracles are one and the same. -Anonymous
4th Month
Love Ya
One morning you will never wake up, do all your friends know you love them?
I was thinking...I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said.
Let every one of your friends know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case GOD calls me home before I see you again....... I LOVE YA!!!
Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised.
Photo Opportunity
Sorry for the delay but here is my 2 month picture.

2 Month Pitcure - 219 lbs
Two months since Surgery
Well today marks 2 months exactly since I had my Weight Loss Surgery. As of this am I am offically down a total of 46 lbs since I first saw the surgeon. From Surgery day I'm down 37 lbs.
I see such a difference in the way my jaw line looks and the way my clothes are fitting. I can't wait to see how much I'm down next month when I see the Surgeon again.
I'll post some pictures later today.
About a year ago my neice gave me a hat that simply said Woot! on it. I've worn it many times and today someone finally commented about it and asked if I'd ever been to the website. Hmmm Website? never thought to try and find a website for the hat. Nothing on the hat indicates that there is a website for it.....So tonight I thought I'd see what it was.
WWW.WOOT.COMwoot.com is basically a website that sells 1 item a day at a discounted amount. today's item sold out in just over 8 hours.
Guess I'm gonna be checking it out daily to see if there is something I just can't live without!!!!
Go check it out.
What a looser....
I weigh 224 as of this am, so that means i've lost a total of 41 lbs from my highest weight....when i get down to 211 I will no longer be morbidly obese, I will only be obese....I'm so excited, that's only 13 more lbs.
Ticker 3
I found this need new ticker site, i like this one best.....

Saw my surgeon for my 6 week check up, and all is well...see him again in 6 weeks.
Run Forest Run....
You got it, I just signed up to do a 5k walk later this year.
It is at the Big Sur Half Marathon race they do yearly in October. October 29th to be exact.
For more info go to http://www.bigsurhalfmarathon.org/frame.html
If you would like to donate to my walk here is my donation page http://www.active.com/donate/teamjustrun/RuthAnn
I have chosen to walk for Just Run! a program to help with childhood obesity.
Tracker 2
Sorry for the delay in making any posts....As you can see from the ticker above I have lost just about 38 lbs from my highest weight. as of wednesday this week (i weight weekly on monday's but was out of town and wednesday was the first am i was at home) i'm weighing in at 227, but as of this am i'm back up to 330.5....not sure what's up with that, granted thursday i went to the movies and had some pretzel bites (no salt, no butter just cheese) and then friday at work we had a pot luck and i make my world famous cheesey potatoes....but i made it with all low fat and no fat ingredients so i could enjoy them too....i know i ate too much but damn they were goooooooooood....
As for my exercising, i've been getting in about 1.2 miles daily at work....it takes me about 30 min with a break or 2 along the way....and i do the walk 3 to 4 times during the work week.
I went on a plane trip last weekend and was able to have the tray down all the way, it was still tight, but i had the tray down all the way that was the best.
Well that's all for now.
It's been a Month???
Here are pix from my 1 month post op, pre op pic is below
Tracker 1
If I say it's Charming, then it has to be Charming, right? Right!! So come read along on my Charming blog.