ApprovalWell, last week I was told by my surgeon's office that I had been approved for my wls, but having been told that before, I hate to wait until I got the offical word. Well today I got THE LETTER, it's official, i'm approved for surgery, my date is April 24th. I'm excited, I only have 42 days to go. I have my pre-op appointment on 4-6 which is only 23 days away. Since jan 25th I have gained 7 lbs (difference from pcp's scale and surgeon's scal) so I have to loose at LEAST that much, if not more. One of my co-workers is a great support, we used to walk together tuesday - friday but we became lazy, so starting today we kicked up our walking program. We are now going to be walking during our morning break, our lunch and our afternoon break. Two short breaks will just be from out office building down to the dispatch building and back, today we did the afternoon run...then our lunch break will be a longer walk... I've also cut out all junk food, and will be purchasing a bike later this week to start ... I have also started to use fit day to track my intake.
ΒΆ 12:49 PM0 comments
If I say it's Charming, then it has to be Charming, right? Right!! So come read along on my Charming blog.